Marine insurance Rotterdam, a crucial component of the city’s large maritime industry. Also an industry that depends deeply on knowledge and high service levels. Martin Lanting has been fighting for this for over 40 years. And he is still fighting.

The important maritime hub Rotterdam

The Port of Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe, making Rotterdam one of the world’s busiest and most important maritime hubs. Its strategic location at the mouth of the Rhine River and its state-of-the-art port facilities make it a global leader in maritime trade and logistics. 

It handles a vast volume of cargo annually, including containers, bulk goods, and petroleum products. Thus, marine insurance plays a very important role in supporting all maritime activities in Rotterdam.

The importance of maritime insurance for Rotterdam

As a maritime nation marine insurance is a crucial component of Rotterdam’s maritime industry. It ensures the continued growth and success of the port by providing knowledge about marine insurance, maritime law and other maritime services to meet the challenges the shipping industry is facing.

The marine insurance industry is a specialised and vital component within the insurance industry and a critical component in global trade. In a recent article we wrote in detail how marine insurance is the backbone of global trade. Protecting various stakeholders involved in maritime operations for the unique risks and challenges associated with maritime activities.

With such a major maritime hub as Rotterdam, a strong marine insurance sector is essential.

Marine insurance Rotterdam: a passion for Martin Lanting

Martin Lanting has been active in marine insurance for more than 40 years now. As  a 3-year-old he was probably already affected with the maritime virus, during his walks with his grandfather along the Maashaven in Rotterdam.

As a native of Rotterdam, he was brought up cutting the bullshit. “No words, but deeds” describes his mentality at its best. Rotterdam is known for its hard working mentality. And so is Martin. Along with his passion for the maritime sector and knowledge of the insurance industry, he has an ever-increasing motivation to strengthen the marine insurance knowledge in Rotterdam.

He never gave up on the marine insurance Rotterdam

After 13 years in agency and chartering, he started as assistant claims handler at Post & Co. P&I. Too stubborn, headstrong and contrarian, Martin put on the bold shoes with the establishment of Dutch P&I in 1988. Only to swap the cap of broker for the cap of underwriter in 1993. 

With RaetsMarine, ‘fixed premium P&I’ was put on the map. So well in fact that MS Amlin was keen to acquire it in 2013. As a pensionado, his role for a strong marine insurance Rotterdam presence is of no substance. But even greater was the lack of ambition, chauvinism and intellectual challenges. So, there was no option for Martin than to go back to marine insurance Rotterdam.

A strong marine insurance Rotterdam

With now more than 40 years at the helm of his beloved marine insurance, Martin Lanting is far from finished with his mission to contribute to a strong Netherlands in marine insurance. And from a chauvinistic point of view, more specifically for marine insurance Rotterdam.

Martin was 66 years old when he started Insure Marine Underwriting in 2018. Nowadays better known as IMU (I AM YOU). IMU is part of marine insurance Rotterdam. And with IMU, Martin Lanting is once again fighting for a strong marine insurance industry in the Netherlands.

IMU proudly puts Rotterdam in the spotlight to serve clients around the world with passion, empathy and knowledge to their satisfaction. Meanwhile, the IMU team is growing and getting stronger every day with the motto: Growing better together!

By the way, being satisfied is never enough. Complacency is our biggest enemy. The battle is never won, because every day we face a new challenge to exceed customer expectations. Read more about exceeding customer expectations in the marine insurance industry.

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